All disclosure filings, including news releases and financial documents can be found on the TRU Precious Metals SEDAR page.
TRU Precious Metals Encounters Gold in First Two Drillholes at its 100%-Owned Twilite Gold Project
Fredericton, New Brunswick – August 18, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce, further to its press release on July 7, 2021, initial assays from the first two holes of the 12 hole, Phase 1 diamond drilling program at its 100%-owned Twilite Gold Project in Central Newfoundland (“Twilite Gold’’).
Fredericton, New Brunswick – August 18, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce, further to its press release on July 7, 2021, initial assays from the first two holes of the 12 hole, Phase 1 diamond drilling program at its 100%-owned Twilite Gold Project in Central Newfoundland (“Twilite Gold’’). Drilling focused on a previously identified target that the Company has now dubbed the “Fort Knox Gold Zone”.
Highlights from drill holes TL-21-16 and TL-21-17 include:
Drilling confirms continuity of the gold zone 30 metres (m) down-dip from historic drill hole TL-99-14 and 70m down dip from historic hole TL-99-15, with similar grades and thickness. Some of the best intercepts include 11.5m with 1.03 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold (Au) in hole TL-21-17, and 10.5m with 1.07 g/t Au in hole TL-21-16.
The gold zone is open downdip on these sections and along strike to the northwest, where no previous drilling has been done.
Two gold zones have been encountered in hole TL-21-17, enveloping a black quartz breccia and at the sheared contact between the breccias and underlying graphitic sediments.
The drill program also confirmed the northwest trend of the mineralization, directly associated with a shear zone outlined by geophysics as a prominent detailed magnetic low that is continuous for at least 600m. The 600m detailed magnetic low is part of a regional structural break that has been outlined for approximately 7 kilometres by airborne magnetics on Twilite Gold. Regional till geochemistry has previously indicated a gold plus multi-element NNW anomalous trend coincident with the structural break. Only 200m of the shear zone at Twilite Gold has been tested by drilling to date, with results pending for 10 additional diamond drill holes.
Barry Greene, VP of Property Development and Director of TRU, commented: “We are delighted to see the continuity and expansion of the northwest trending Fort Knox Gold Zone successfully intersected in drill holes TL-21-16 and TL-21-17, and that the zone is wide open for potential further expansion. Since there has never been any drilling completed to the northwest beyond these holes, it becomes an obvious target area for a next phase of drilling. With thick sections of altered quartz breccia encountered in other nearby holes, for which assays are pending, we are hopeful for expansion of the gold zone to the southeast as well.”
Table 1. Uncut Assay Highlights
Figure 1 – Plan Map of Twilite Gold Drilling
In hole TL-21-16, the uppermost gold mineralized zone is hosted by strongly bleached and iron carbonate altered mafic volcanics containing pyrite and arsenopyrite. The main gold zone is hosted by dark grey to black silicified breccia and continues across a sheared contact with graphitic sediments.
In hole TL-21-17, the uppermost gold mineralized zone is at the upper contact with a grey to black silicified breccia, and the main gold zone, which correlates with the main zone in hole TL-21-16, is situated at the lower contact of the grey to black breccia and continues across the sheared contact with graphitic sediments.
Figure 2 – Cross Section of Twilite Gold Drilling
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman added: “We are pleased to share the initial results from our first drill program at Twilite Gold, which is also our first as a company. We are encouraged by the results from these first two holes. Our work at Twilite Gold will help us solidify the known mineralization areas and identify the project’s expansion potential. With the drill program completed, our focus for Twilite Gold will be on analyzing the data we have accumulated as we receive the remaining assays from the other ten holes.”
Table 2. Collar Details for TL-21-16 and TL-21-17
Other Exploration Updates
Separately, further to its July 30, 2021 press release, the Company is also providing an update on the final exploration results from its Gander West Property (“Gander West”), located approximately 16 kilometres from New Found Gold Corp.’s Queensway Project. As previously announced, all rock sample and soil geochemical results were already received, but TRU has now received the results of the nine outstanding Gander West till samples submitted to Overburden Drilling Management Limited (“ODM”).
TRU is pleased to report that ODM’s gold grain analysis indicates visible gold grains in all nine of these samples. Pristine gold grains were recovered in seven samples, including 17, 12 and 11 pristine grains, respectively, in three of the samples. ODM has confirmed to the Company that this could be indicative of Gander West being fertile for gold exploration. The till samples had been collected around a large northeast elongated pond that was the site of a topographic lineament also indicated in the regional magnetic data as a potential fault structure. A more systematic program of till sampling is warranted to further delineate the potential head of the gold dispersal train, towards identifying a bedrock source.
Drilling Quality Assurance/Quality Control (“QA/QC”)
All NQ core is sampled, cut by core saw, and split by Company personnel, and put into bags with unique sample tags for identification. The bags are sealed with a security tag and are then transported directly to the lab by TRU staff. All rock samples are analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. (“Eastern Analytical”) of 403 Little Bay Road, Springdale, NL, a commercial laboratory that is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and independent of TRU. Eastern Analytical pulverized 1000 grams of each sample to 95% < 89 μm. Samples are analyzed using fire assay (30g) with AA finish and an ICP-34, four acid digestion followed by ICP-OES analysis. All samples with visible gold or assaying above 1.00 g/t Au are further assayed using metallic screen to mitigate the presence of the nugget effect of coarse gold. Standards and blanks are inserted at defined intervals for QA/QC purposes by the Company as well as Eastern Analytical. The TRU exploration program design is consistent with industry best practices and the program is carried out by qualified persons employing a QA/QC program consistent with National Instrument 43-101.
Qualified Person
Barry Greene, P.Geo. (NL) is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the contents and technical disclosures in this press release. Mr. Greene is a director and officer of the Company and owns securities of the Company.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU has assembled a portfolio of gold exploration properties in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company has an option with a subsidiary of TSX-listed Altius Minerals Corporation to purchase 100% of the Golden Rose Project, located along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone. TRU also owns 100% of the Twilite Gold Project, located along the same Shear Zone, and 3 early-stage properties including 2 near New Found Gold Corp.’s high-grade Queensway Project. TRU’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TRU”, on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol “TRUIF”, and on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “706”.
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s LinkedIn profile at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder, President & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: IR@trupreciousmetals.com
Website: www.trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support of the Twilite Gold Project through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program. TRU has been approved for funding for a portion of its 2021 exploration activities at the Twilite Gold Project.
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and the drill program at Twilite Gold, and to exploration at Gander West. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Twilite Gold and the Company’s exploration and drilling plans that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Twilite Gold; the exploration potential of Twilite Gold and the nature and style of mineralization at Twilite Gold; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities and operational problems relating to drilling; volatility in precious metals prices; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
TRU Precious Metals provides update on summer 2021 exploration program
Fredericton, New Brunswick – July 30, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide a comprehensive update on its exploration program across its properties in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company also announces the results of its annual and special shareholder meeting held on July 29, 2021 (the “Meeting”).
Fredericton, New Brunswick – July 30, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide a comprehensive update on its exploration program across its properties in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company also announces the results of its annual and special shareholder meeting held on July 29, 2021 (the “Meeting”).
The Company is continuing its systematic program of soil sampling, till sampling, geological mapping and prospecting as the Golden Rose Project becomes its exploration focus for the remainder of the summer field season. Almost 2,000 field samples have been submitted for geochemical analysis, with results pending over the next 6-8 weeks. Meanwhile, the Company is also preparing to carry out an airborne geophysical survey over recently-acquired portions of the Golden Rose Project, with such survey expected to begin in early August.
GoldSpot Discoveries Corp., a technical services provider to the Company, has made its preliminary target presentation to the Company, and is also completing geological modeling of the South Woods Lake Gold Zone (“SWL Gold Zone”), where historical drilling over a 550 metre (m) long section of a felsic intrusive previously confirmed the presence of significant gold mineralization. This geological modeling will aid the Company in selecting drill targets at the SWL Gold Zone. The Company is also applying for permitting and securing a drilling contractor with a view to carrying out its previously-disclosed 5,000 m drill program at the Golden Rose Project, expected to commence in October 2021. The drill program will focus on infilling and expanding the gold mineralized felsic intrusive at the SWL Gold Zone, and will also target the claims optioned by TRU on July 13, 2021, on which the Company found visible gold grains and a nearby gossan.
On July 7, 2021, the Company announced the completion of its phase 1, 2,577 m drilling program at its Twilite Gold Project, focusing on a previously-identified target now called the Fort Knox Gold Zone. Core cutting and sample submission, which were being carried out on an ongoing basis, have been completed this week. Results are expected on a rolling basis over the next approximately 6 weeks and will be publicly disclosed in batches as previously reported.
Early-Stage Properties
On May 25, 2021, the Company announced a phase 1 exploration program at its Gander West property, located approximately 16 kilometres from New Found Gold Corp.’s Queensway Project. All rock and soil geochemical results from the limited-scale, orientation-level field program have now been received, with results still outstanding from nine till samples submitted for gold grain analysis. The best result from rock sampling was 395 parts per billion (ppb) gold (Au) from a grab sample. The best results from 118 soil samples were 52 ppb and 31 ppb Au. Results are being plotted for interpretation and to determine where additional infill sampling or other field follow-up may be warranted.
On June 17, 2021, the Company announced that it had completed a property-wide targeted soil survey at its Rolling Pond property bordering the Queensway Project, which was designed to provide the Company with another layer of geochemical data in prospective areas after compilation of historic geophysics, diamond drilling and prospecting. To date, the Company has received results for approximately one-quarter of its soil samples, with the best results being 61 and 34 ppb Au, and has also received all rock grab sample results with none being significant. Once all outstanding results have been received over the next several weeks, the Company will determine whether and where ground follow-up may be warranted.
In early July 2021, the Company completed an orientation-level soil sampling and prospecting program at its Stony Lake property, located 5 to 10 kilometres south of the Twilite Gold Project. In total, 171 soil samples and 39 rock grab samples were collected, with results expected over the next approximately 6 weeks.
Meeting Results
The Company is also reporting voting results from the Meeting. Shareholders approved all routine items of business, including electing each of the directors nominated by management, namely Joel Freudman, Damian Lopez, Barry Greene, David Hladky and Colin Sutherland. In terms of special items of business, shareholders approved the Company’s stock option plan and the continuance of the Company from Alberta into Ontario, but not the proposed restricted share unit plan.
National Instrument 43-101 Disclaimers
The rock grab, soil, and float samples presented are selective by nature, and values reported may not represent the true grade or style of mineralization across the mineral properties in question. These potential grades are conceptual in nature; there has been insufficient exploration by the Company at any TRU property to define a mineral resource; and it is uncertain whether further exploration will result in these targets being delineated as a mineral resource.
Barry Greene, P.Geo. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the contents and technical disclosures in this press release. Mr. Greene is a director and officer of the Company and owns securities of the Company.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU has assembled a portfolio of 5 gold exploration properties in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company has an option with a subsidiary of TSX-listed Altius Minerals Corporation to purchase 100% of the Golden Rose Project, located along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone. TRU also owns 100% of the Twilite Gold Project, located along the same Shear Zone, and 3 under-explored properties including its Rolling Pond Property (under option) bordering New Found Gold Corp.’s high-grade Queensway Project. TRU’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TRU”, on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol “TRUIF”, and on the Frankfurt exchange under the symbol “706”.
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s LinkedIn profile at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder, President & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: IR@trupreciousmetals.com
Website: www.trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support of the Twilite Gold Project through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program. TRU has been approved for funding for a portion of its 2021 exploration activities at the Twilite Gold Project.
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to the methods and timing for exploring the Company’s mineral properties, the prospectivity and mineralization of such properties, and permitting processes. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the execution and success of exploration plans that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company’s properties; the exploration potential of the Company’s properties and the nature and style of mineralization at same; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in financial markets, economic conditions, and precious metals prices; challenges in attracting and retaining qualified personnel; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
TRU Precious Metals announces summer 2021 exploration program
Fredericton, New Brunswick – May 31, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the start of its summer 2021 exploration program across its district-scale land package in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The initial program will commence with the Gander West and Twilite Gold projects, followed by additional work planned at the Rolling Pond and Golden Rose projects.
Fredericton, New Brunswick – May 31, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the start of its summer 2021 exploration program across its district-scale land package in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The initial program will commence with the Gander West and Twilite Gold projects, followed by additional work planned at the Rolling Pond and Golden Rose projects.
Co-Founder and CEO of TRU Joel Freudman commented, “We expect the summer months to be exhilarating for TRU. We were purposeful in 2020 to be very aggressive in building a commanding land position in this prolific gold belt region. Having previously identified a drill target at our Twilite Gold Project, we are eager to start drilling there imminently. We expect to see work across nearly our entire property portfolio this summer, most prominently at Golden Rose and Twilite Gold, and also at Rolling Pond and Gander West. With a strong balance sheet and a $3.5 million flow-through financing fully committed and currently underway with Eric Sprott and other institutional investors, we expect to be well-funded for 2021 and beyond.”
Golden Rose Project
The Golden Rose Project is a regional-scale land package covering 105 kilometres squared (km2) within the Valentine Lake structural corridor and is easily accessible via provincial highway and forest access roads. It is located between Marathon Gold Corp.’s (“Marathon”) Valentine Gold Project to the northeast, where Marathon has reported 3.09 million ounces (Moz.) Measured and Indicated gold (Au) resources (comprised of 54.9 million tonnes (Mt) at 1.75 grams per tonne (g/t) Au) plus 0.96 Moz. Inferred Au resources (16.8 Mt at 1.78 g/t Au) [1], and Matador Mining’s Cape Ray Gold Project to the southwest, which also has a known gold deposit [2].
TRU will embark on a multi-phase exploration program throughout the remainder of 2021 to further delineate the known areas of gold mineralization and test new zones. Highlights of recently uncovered gold occurrences (by the previous owners) which have yet to be tested by TRU include Rose Gold, Jacob’s Pond and Jen’s Pond. A summary follows:
Rose Gold - A hand dug trench exposed a 30-40 centimetre wide quartz-vein/breccia hosted in sheared metavolcanics. Original grab samples assayed 18.8 g/t Au and 7.2 g/t Au. Follow up prospecting in 2019 returned a 20.2 g/t Au sample. Limited work has been done in the area, mostly soil sampling and prospecting, but no drill testing.
Jacob’s Pond - Several gold prospects in a cluster located on trend to the Rose Gold prospect; dominantly quartz-sulphide +/- calcite veins/breccia adjacent to a major fault zone. There was a notable grab sample assay of 3.38 g/t Au, 2.3% copper, 4.1 g/t silver from a massive sulphide vein in basalt, and another grab sample with 3.9 g/t Au and 5.61% copper.
Jen’s Pond - There is a large angular boulder cluster located on the edge of a pond. Grab sample values returned up to 4.2 g/t Au. Dominantly quartz calcite with varying concentrations of pyrite, arsenopyrite (up to 50%), chalcopyrite and galena.
Phase 1 Work Program
Our Phase 1 Work Program, which is expected to commence by early to mid-June, will concentrate on ground truthing the historic gold-soil-anomalies and existing mineral occurrences by prospecting. Prospecting, geological mapping and soil sampling will then be expanded property-wide. Targets confirmed by prospecting and soil sampling will be followed up with trenching, with grids cut in areas identified for potential follow-up with ground geophysics.
Phase 2 Work Program
Our Phase 2 Work Program, which is expected to commence sometime in Q3, will consist of a 5000-metre diamond-drill program. This would test both newly defined targets and the South Woods Lake Zone, a gold zone that has been traced for 550 metres (m) by drilling and contains historic drill intersections such as 2.15 g/t Au over 12.6m and 1.37 g/t Au over 26.3m. Approximately 1000m of this drilling would provide sufficient information on the structure and underlying geology of these areas and confirm the historic drill results. The Rose Gold – Jacob’s Pond - Jen’s Pond area and possibly the Mink Pond - Glimmer Pond area should be followed up with ground geophysics. Prospecting, soil sampling and trenching would continue during Phase 2 as required.
Twilite Gold Project
On December 8, 2020, TRU announced that it had identified a promising drill target at its Twilite Gold Project. Twilite Gold is strategically located on the mapped extension of the Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone. Numerous advanced-stage gold exploration projects are currently underway along this district-scale shear zone, including the Marathon and Matador Mining deposits referenced earlier and Canterra Minerals’ Wilding Lake project. Twilite Gold is located only 15 kilometers south of Grand Falls-Windsor, a town of approximately 15,000, which is the service and supply centre for central Newfoundland. Twilite Gold is easily accessible with an all-weather gravel road leading directly to the prospect.
Drilling is planned to commence imminently at Twilite Gold and will be announced separately once underway.
Gander West
Early prospecting efforts have identified a quartz vein system with sulphide mineralization and have confirmed the presence of a fault zone that correlates with a 10km long structural lineament through the property. The Company is in the process of submitting samples for geochemical analysis.
The wholly-owned Gander West Property consists of 120 claims covering 3,000 hectares of prospective ground. The Gander West Property is located near the Trans-Canada Highway and approximately 16 km from the Keats zone at New Found Gold Corp.’s Queensway Project, where New Found Gold reported drill intercepts on May 21, 2021 of 146.2 g/t Au over 25.6 m [3].
Rolling Pond
The Rolling Pond property is contiguous with the south end of New Found Gold’s Queensway project. A phase 1 exploration program has been proposed for the Rolling Pond property, starting in early June, consisting of property-wide soil sampling and prospecting. The sampling will cover the large hydrothermal and quartz breccia system which has been identified over a 1.2 km strike length but has never been subjected to a systematic soil geochemical survey. Sampling will also be positioned to expand upon a known soil geochemical anomaly near the south-central area of the property where a coincident multi element soil anomaly has returned gold values from 5 parts per billion (ppb) to 142ppb, one of two gold anomalous areas spanning a 500m length.
National Instrument 43-101 Disclaimers
The technical information herein, including assays, relating to the Golden Rose Project and the Rolling Pond Property is historical in nature and has not been independently verified by TRU. Note that rock grab and float samples and drill hole intervals are selective by nature, and values reported may not represent the true grade or style of mineralization across the mineral properties in question.
Barry Greene, P.Geo. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the contents and technical disclosures in this press release. Mr. Greene is a director and officer of the Company and owns securities of the Company.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU has assembled a portfolio of 5 gold exploration properties in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company has a definitive option agreement with a subsidiary of TSX-listed Altius Minerals Corporation for the option to purchase 100% of the Golden Rose Project, located along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone. TRU also owns 100% of the Twilite Gold Project, located along the same Shear Zone, and 3 under-explored properties including its Rolling Pond Property (under option) bordering New Found Gold Corp.’s high-grade Queensway Project. TRU’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TRU” and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol “TRUIF”; and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “706”.
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization Canadian companies. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s LinkedIn profile at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder, President & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: info@trupreciousmetals.com
Website: www.trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
Cautionary Statements
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to regulatory approval and to the timing of the Company’s digital advertising program with Winning Media. These statements are based on numerous assumptions believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: regulatory approval; volatility in financial markets, economic conditions, and precious metals prices; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
[1] https://marathon-gold.com/valentine-gold-project/. Readers are also referred to the National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report and Pre-Feasibility Study on the Valentine Gold Project, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, prepared by Ausenco Engineering Canada for Marathon Gold Corporation, dated April 21, 2020 with an effective date of April 18, 2020, which is available on Marathon’s SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com
[2] https://matadormining.com.au/cape-ray/
[3] https://newfoundgold.ca/news/new-found-intercepts-146-2-g-t-au-over-25-6m-in-65m-step-out-to-south-at-keats-extends-high-grade-zone-to-425m-down-plunge/
TRU Precious Metals Advances Phase One Exploration Program at Gander West Property
Fredericton, New Brunswick – May 25, 2021 –TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has recently commenced its inaugural mapping, soil sampling, till sampling and prospecting program at its Gander West exploration property in Central Newfoundland (the “Gander West Property” or “Gander West”).
Fredericton, New Brunswick – May 25, 2021 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU; OTCQB:TRUIF; FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has recently commenced its inaugural mapping, soil sampling, till sampling and prospecting program at its Gander West exploration property in Central Newfoundland (the “Gander West Property” or “Gander West”).
The wholly owned Gander West Property consists of 120 claims covering 3,000 hectares of prospective ground. The Gander West Property is located near the Trans-Canada Highway and approximately 16 kilometres (km) from the Keats zone at New Found Gold Corp.’s Queensway Project, where New Found Gold reported drill intercepts on May 21, 2021 of 146.2 grams per tonne gold over 25.6 meters. (1)
The Gander West Property is mostly unexplored and is located in the midst of a well-known gold belt, along a strong NE-SW structural lineament within a magnetic-low corridor, and immediately south of a prominent magnetic-high anomaly. High-grade gold occurrences (>50g/t Au in grab samples) occur in quartz veins 2.5 km southwest of the Gander West Property. (2) Additionally, a high-grade gold occurrence known as Little Joanna occurs approximately 5 km along strike to the northeast. Historic grab sampling from Little Joanna returned values ranging from 40 parts per billion (ppb) Au to 734 g/t Au. (3) The local geological features and nearby showings are set out in the two images below.
Vice President of Property Development of TRU, Barry Greene, commented, “After the first week of exploration at Gander West, crews have already collected grab samples of quartz veins containing sulphide mineralization and have noted the presence of structural features consistent with a northeast-southwest trending fault system. This is consistent with our geophysical and topographic interpretation of a regional scale structural linear.”
The Gander West Property Overview
The Gander West Property is already permitted for exploration, including ground geophysics, geochemical surveys, and prospecting.
TRU expects this limited field program to yield valuable geological and geochemical data to aid in defining targets for a more detailed phase two follow-up. The presence of high-grade gold occurrences along strike both northeast and southwest of Gander West, elevated lake sediment geochemistry on the property, and the prominent topographical and geophysical lineament along the full 10 km length of the property, presents a solid model for initial groundwork.
Co-Founder and CEO of TRU, Joel Freudman, added, “We believe that Gander West holds exciting potential. Less than a year ago, we embarked on building a district-scale land package focusing on the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. Today, we have multiple properties comprising a commanding portfolio all within this prolific gold region, and Gander West is one of these properties. We think the proximity of Gander West to New Found Gold’s bonanza discovery hole is a solid case to begin systematic early-stage exploration on the property, which has seen barely any historical work. We are cognizant that an early understanding of structural geology at Gander West and the broader region will only benefit us as we prioritize work on our various projects.”
Barry Greene, P.Geo. (NL) is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the contents and technical disclosures in this press release. Mr. Greene is a director and officer of the Company and owns securities of the Company.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU has assembled a portfolio of 5 gold exploration properties in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt. The Company has a definitive option agreement with a subsidiary of TSX-listed Altius Minerals Corporation for the option to purchase 100% of the Golden Rose Project, located along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone. TRU also owns 100% of the Twilite Gold Project, located along the same Shear Zone, and 3 under-explored properties including its Rolling Pond Property (under option) bordering New Found Gold Corp.’s high-grade Queensway Project. TRU’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TRU” and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol “TRUIF”; and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “706”.
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization Canadian companies. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s LinkedIn profile at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder, President & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: (647) 880-6414
Email: info@trupreciousmetals.com
Website: www.trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
Cautionary Statements
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Information and links in this press release relating to New Found Gold Corp.’s Queensway Project and Little Joanna are from sources believed to be reliable, but that have not been independently verified by TRU. These links are included in this press release as inactive textual references for reference purposes only and the information on or connected to these websites is not part of, or incorporated by reference into, this press release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration at the Gander West Property and the Company’s other mineral exploration properties. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Gander West Property and the Company’s strategy and plans that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Gander West Property; the exploration potential of the Gander West Property and the nature and style of mineralization at the Gander West Property; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals prices; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
(1) Source: https://newfoundgold.ca/news/new-found-intercepts-146-2-g-t-au-over-25-6m-in-65m-step-out-to-south-at-keats-extends-high-grade-zone-to-425m-down-plunge/
(2) Source: Newfoundland Government MODS – Mineral Occurrence Database System and other publicly available sources.
(3) Source: Newfoundland Government MODS – Mineral Occurrence Database System and other publicly available sources.
(4) Source: Newfoundland Government MODS – Mineral Occurrence Database System and other publicly available sources.