Vastly underexplored land package including primarily gold-copper targets along the prominent deposit-bearing Cape Ray -Valentine Lake Shear Zone, flanked on either side by gold deposits at various stages of development including Valentine Gold Project (in production by 2025).


Visible gold panned at Mark’s Pond target area, Golden Rose Project, 10/2022


Golden Rose Project, Central Newfoundland gold company TRU Precious Metals Corp

Golden Rose covers a vast and largely underexplored land package and is transected by the Valentine Lake structural corridor hosting over 45 km of prospective strike length for gold and copper mineralization.

Big Discovery Potential Bookended By Resources

  • Golden Rose comprises a large ~300km² land package*.

  • Golden Rose straddles a 45km stretch of regional ‘deep seated’ structures with resources on both sides.

  • Adjacent Property to the North-East: Soon-to-be Valentine Gold Mine**

    • Property owned by Calibre Mining following C$345m acquisition of Marathon Gold completed 2024.

    • 3.9Moz Au Measured + Indicated, 1.1Moz Au Inferred.

    • To become the largest OP gold operation in Atlantic Canada.

  • TRU’s Golden Rose displays geological similarities with both adjacent properties.****

  • Adjacent Property to the South-West: Advanced Exploration Stage Cape Ray Project

    • Cape Ray gold deposits owned by AuMEGA Metals

    • 0.45Moz Au Indicated, 0.16Moz Au Inferred***

    • Separated from Golden Rose by a small package of claims newly staked by Calibre Mining

* Includes 33.25 sq km under option with a right to earn a 65% interest
** Resources: Measured and Indicated 64.6Mt @ 1.9g/t for 3.9Moz Au, plus Inferred 20.8Mt @ 1.7g/t for 1.1Moz Au. Source: Calibre Mining Corp Oct 24 Corp Presentation *** Resources: Indicated 6.2Mt @ 2.25g/t for 0.45Moz Au, plus Inferred 3.5Mt @ 1.4g/t for 0.16Moz Au. Source: AuMEGA Metals Ltd Nov 24 Corp Presentation **** There has been insufficient exploration thus far at Golden Rose to define a mineral resource and it is not certain that further exploration will result in a resource similar to either of its neighbors or any resource, being identified

  • High-grade gold channel sampling results from the Northcott Gold Zone include:

    • 57.6 g/t over 2.5m

    • 34.0 g/t over 2.0m

    • 23.5 g/t over 2.0m

    • 17.8 g/t over 1.5m

  • Zone mapped over 240m, open along strike

  • Drill ready