All disclosure filings, including news releases and financial documents can be found on the TRU Precious Metals SEDAR page.
TRU Reports High Grade Gold in Rock Samples recovered from the Golden Rose Project
TRU Precious Metals Corp. reports on high grade gold assays from rock sampling and mapping carried out on a section of the company-defined Mark’s Pond to Rich House exploration fairway at its flagship Golden Rose Project.
Toronto, Ontario – December 5, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to report on high grade gold (“Au”) assays from rock sampling and mapping carried out on a section of the company-defined Mark’s Pond to Rich House (“MPRH”) exploration fairway at its flagship Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”). The Golden Rose project is strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland.
Sampling and mapping were carried out along a 15 metre (“m”) wide strip along the north shore of Lake Victoria made possible by unusually low water levels. This strip represents partial exposure of a 4 km stretch along the MPRH exploration fairway;
A total of 47 bedrock and float grab samples were collected along the exposed shoreline, with 22 having grades in excess of 0.1 grams per tonne (“g/t”) Au, of which 8 returned grades in excess of 30 g/t Au including 4 which returned grades in excess of 100 g/t Au;
12 of the bedrock and float samples contained visible gold (“VG”);
A new bedrock occurrence with Rich House type alteration and veining was discovered approximately 1,100 m southwest (“SW”) of Rich House; and
The exposed north shore provided valuable geological information on what is interpreted to be a portion of a highly prospective structural trend extending through much of the large Golden Rose property.
CEO Statement
TRU CEO Steve Nicol commented: “The impressive grade results returned from this program of rock sampling signals that Golden Rose has the potential to generate high grade gold, but more significantly this rare exposure of lake shore has exposed a portion of the larger structural trend that is interpreted to extend for some 33 kms from NE to SW across the Golden Rose property. As only minimal information is currently available along the trend due to bog and till cover, studying this exposed lake shore provides valuable insight into some of the controls on gold mineralization occurring along this larger trend. The collection of many high-grade rock samples, some containing VG, also reinforces the Company’s selection of the MPRH exploration fairway as the focus for initial drill planning. It is a credit to the TRU geological team that it recognized the importance of the opportunity afforded by the unexpectedly low water levels within Victoria Lake and moved quickly to take full advantage of the opportunity.”
Sampling and Mapping
As previously reported (see news release dated October 22, 2024), TRU is in the process of rigorously and methodically assessing the project-wide data for Golden Rose, including geological re-evaluation, infill sampling, and field validation with the objective of developing an updated model of mineralization potential across the entire project area. The initial focus is on the MPRH exploration fairway where drilling is being planned.
The MPRH exploration fairway is a structural corridor interpreted to be up to 2 kilometres (“km”) wide and over 7 km long, stretching from the Mark’s Pond gold zone in the southwest to the Rich House showing to the northeast (“NE”) (Figure 1). For several kilometres, the MPRH exploration fairway is parallel to the northwest shore of Victoria Lake.
FIGURE 1: MPRH exploration fairway location
The 2024 fieldwork program was assisted by unusually low water levels in Victoria Lake leaving exposed a significant amount of the lake shore and thus uncovering a 15 metre (“m”) wide strip along the entire north shore of the lake representing a 4 km stretch of the MPRH exploration fairway.
Sampling and mapping were carried out by the TRU geological team along this strip of exposed shoreline. Bedrock samples were taken from siliceous intervals associated with a contact zone exhibiting iron carbonate alteration that can be tracked over an extensive strike length. Individual siliceous intervals extend to a width of up to 4 m, over 10’s of metres in length. Many of the float samples collected were from angular boulders suggesting that they may not have been transported very far from the original source. A table of samples that returned in excess of 0.1 g/t from the sampling program is provided below (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows the locations of significant samples along the shoreline, close to Rich House.
FIGURE 2: Table of significant sample results (> 0.1 g/t Au)
FIGURE 3: Grab sample locations and assays with geology close to Rich House
The MPRH exploration fairway forms part of a larger structural trend interpreted to extend for some 33 kms in a NE to SW direction across the Golden Rose property. The geology of this structural trend is complex with numerous sedimentary and volcanics lithologies existing as overlapping thrust slices over 10’s of kms. The trend is interpreted to be highly prospective for Au along its entire length but has limited surface expression. The opportunity provided TRU geologists by the recently exposed Lake Victoria shoreline in a portion of the MPRH exploration fairway provides a valuable source of geological information which will assist to advance TRU’s discovery aims for Golden Rose in this much larger structural trend.
High resolution drone imagery has also been collected over the exposed shoreline to document the outcrops for further geological interpretation.
Data Verification
During all exploration sampling and analysis works on its Golden Rose Project, TRU maintains strict quality assurance and quality control programs and has a sample security procedure in place. These are tailored as necessary to be appropriate to the types of samples being collected.
Samples reported on in this news release comprised rock chip and grab samples. These samples were all packed in sealed plastic bags and transported by the TRU Project Geologist directly to the laboratories of Eastern Analytical in Springdale, NL (ISO 17025 certified) for industry standard assay techniques for gold.
All samples containing VG were assayed using total pulp metallics as well as ICP-34 while the remaining samples were analyzed by 30g fire assay with AA finish and ICP-34 techniques. Blank and standard samples were inserted by the laboratory in addition to analysis of duplicate samples.
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been prepared and approved by Joel Cranford, P.Geo., Project Geologist for TRU, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
Joel Cranford has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release and noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development. The Company’s flagship project is the Golden Rose Project, a regional-scale 297.5 km2 land package in Central Western Newfoundland (includes a 33.25 km2 package of claims over which TRU has an option with TSX-listed Quadro Resources to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership) which straddles a 45km strike length along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. TRU is currently focused on efficiently discovering the full gold and copper potential at Golden Rose, targeting discovery along this proven gold bearing trend.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Cautionary Statements – Preliminary Results
The results obtained from the exploration works subject of this news release are comprised of grab samples from outcrop and float. They are preliminary in nature and not conclusive evidence of the likelihood of the occurrence of a deposit.
The potential quantity and grade of metals and minerals in Golden Rose is conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
Cautionary Statement - Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and drilling plans at Golden Rose. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Golden Rose, the Company’s exploration programs and results, and commodities prices that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Golden Rose; the exploration potential of Golden Rose and the nature and style of mineralization at Golden Rose; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals and base metals prices; volatility in economic conditions and financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Copper Exploration Program Returns Samples assaying 3.7% and 3.2% Cu at Golden Rose
TRU Precious Metals Corp. provides results from the 2024 field season copper exploration program at its flagship Golden Rose Project strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland.
Toronto, Ontario – November 5, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide results from the 2024 field season copper (“Cu”) exploration program at its flagship Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”) strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland. As previously announced (see news releases dated April 18, 2024 and July 16, 2024), TRU has been conducting a targeted exploration program focused on the critical minerals potential of Golden Rose, with special emphasis on copper. Many of the areas targeted have limited exploration to date as Golden Rose is an historically underexplored asset.
The Jacob’s Prospect and King George Prospect areas both returned significant copper values (up to 3.7% Cu) while other locations returned numerous anomalous values, upgrading these targets for future work (Figure 1).
Highlights from the recently completed program are:
At Jacob’s Prospect, four samples comprising bedrock and float assayed from 2.0% to 3.7% Cu with numerous other rock samples assaying up to 1% Cu. This has extended the area of known copper potential at this prospect by approximately 2 kilometres (“km”) to the west-northwest;
At King George Prospect, outcrop and angular float grab samples assayed 3.7% and 2.4% Cu;
At Glenn’s Prospect, outcrop samples returned values up to 0.9 % Cu extending the area of known copper potential by 750 metres (“m”) to the southwest of the original outcrop reported in 2023 (See news release dated October 03, 2023);
Outcrop and angular float samples with highly elevated copper concentrations have been collected over a 5.5 km strike of the Cape Ray Shear Zone from Glenn’s Prospect to Jacob’s Prospect, with similar elevated copper concentrations also obtained from outcrop and angular float approximately 14 km further along the same structure to the southwest at King George Prospect;
Outcrop samples assaying up to 0.17 % Cu, as well as angular float boulder samples assaying up to 0.15% Cu and 1.4 grams per tonne (“g/t”) gold (“Au”) were discovered at the new Annie Prospect, a previously unexplored area 3.5 km north-northeast of Glenn’s Prospect; and
Several samples collected across the above-noted prospects also assayed anomalous zinc (“Zn”) values up to 0.95% Zn.
TRU CEO Steve Nicol commented: “We are very encouraged with the results of our latest exploration program, specifically targeting copper and other critical minerals at various locations within the nearly 300 sq.km Golden Rose Project area. This work continues to highlight the potential of the Project to host significant critical mineral occurrences. Further work is required to better evaluate the full potential of these occurrences. We look forward to working with our Golden Rose earn-in partners Eldorado Gold Corporation (“Eldorado”) to incorporate this latest information into the ongoing preparation of a revised and refined project-wide geological and structural model for Golden Rose” (See news release dated October 22, 2024).
Figure 1: Sample locations providing elevated copper results from the 2024 Cu exploration program
The Cu exploration program comprised prospecting, grab (rock) sampling and reconnaissance soil sampling and was undertaken over areas where previous work identified critical mineral prospectivity and also at locations highlighted by remote sensing work.
At Jacob’s Prospect (previously known as Jacob’s Pond and Jacob’s Twin), results include outcrop and angular float grab samples assaying 3.7%, 3.2%, 2.4% and 2.0% Cu, with numerous other Cu mineralized samples identified over a 1.5 km length and samples assaying up to 0.95% Zn. Rock types identified are mafic volcanics with massive, semi-massive and disseminated sulphide mineralization. Antimony (“Sb”) grades up to 0.2% Sb are also present. The Cu mineralization is interpreted as being associated with an east-west trending splay off the Cape Ray Shear Zone, with many of the anomalous samples taken from an area 1.4 km north of the 2022 drilling at Jacob’s Twin (see news release dated September 22, 2022) thereby extending the previously known anomalous copper zone significantly to the west-northwest by approximately 2 km.
At King George Prospect, results include outcrop and angular float grab samples assaying 3.7% and 2.4% Cu, with up to 0.9% Zn also encountered over an area of approximately 500 m x 500 m. The prospect lies in the area of an extensive geophysical anomaly. Rock types sampled are mafic volcanics with disseminated and fracture fill Cu and Zn mineralization.
At Glenn’s Prospect, the copper potential is supported by outcrop samples assaying up to 0.9 % Cu in the area surrounding the initial discovery outcrop. Rock types sampled are mafic volcanics and diabase hosting disseminations and fracture filling sulphide mineralization extending up to 750 m southwest of the initial discovery at Glenn’s Prospect.
At the new Annie Prospect, located in the Annieopsquotch Mountains, outcrop and angular float boulder samples assayed up to 0.17% Cu and up to 1.4g/t Au. Satellite and remote sensing data had previously indicated the potential for critical mineral prospectivity over parts of the Annieopsquotch Mountains. The discovery of elevated copper values in this area based solely on remote sensing data gives confidence that this data set can be used to identify additional base and precious metals mineralization zones at Golden Rose for future exploration.
Results from a soils program at the King George Prospect are pending.
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been prepared and approved by Joel Cranford, P.Geo., Project Geologist for TRU, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. Joel Cranford has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release and noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development. The company’s flagship project is the Golden Rose Project a regional-scale 297.50 km2 land package in Central Western Newfoundland (includes a 33.25 km2 package of claims over which TRU has an option with TSX-listed Quadro Resources to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership) which straddles a 45 km strike length along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. TRU is currently focused on efficiently discovering the full gold and copper potential at Golden Rose, targeting continuity along this proven gold bearing trend. The Golden Rose Project is currently optioned-out to TSX-listed Eldorado Gold Corporation.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and drilling plans at Golden Rose. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Golden Rose, the Company’s exploration programs and results, and commodities prices that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Golden Rose; the exploration potential of Golden Rose and the nature and style of mineralization at Golden Rose; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals and base metals prices; volatility in economic conditions and financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Provides Update on Flagship Golden Rose Project
TRU Precious Metals Corp. provides an update on its flagship Golden Rose Project.
Toronto, Ontario – October 22, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on its flagship Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”). In August 2024, the Company completed the granting of an exclusive option (the “Option”) to Eldorado Gold Corporation (“Eldorado”) to earn an 80% ownership interest in Golden Rose, strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland (see news releases dated July 30, 2024 and August 22, 2024).
The financial backing of Eldorado, via the Option, is affording TRU the ability to undertake a detailed review of the potential of Golden Rose. The claims that comprise Golden Rose were consolidated over several years, and TRU is now conducting a project wide exercise to understand and update the discovery potential for gold and other minerals across the 300 sq. km project area. The review will methodically apply geoscience and exploration practices across the entire property package.
TRU CEO Steve Nicol commented: “TRU is shifting to a “big picture” perspective of Golden Rose viewing the complete consolidated land parcels and claims as one entity to facilitate the development of an updated model of mineralization potential for the entire property, aimed at optimising the discovery process. TRU is focused on efficiently discovering the full gold and copper potential that may exist at Golden Rose.”
The objective of the initial step in this methodical process, designed in conjunction with Eldorado, is to extract the maximum information and knowledge from existing project data which will be reassessed and verified, then infilled and updated or improved where required. This work, which has already commenced, includes infill and geochemical sampling, reinterpretation of magnetic survey data, prospecting, re-mapping, and re-examination of drill core.
The wealth of information generated from this process will feed into preparation of a revised and refined geological and structural site-wide model, which will be utilized to generate a pipeline of quality drill targets across the property for prioritization and drilling.
While it is expected that this rigorous and methodical assessment will result in the identification of multiple targets across the property, it is initially being focused on the northeast-trending ‘exploration fairway’ between the Mark’s Pond zone and the Rich House zone (7.5km long x up to 2kms wide; Figure 1). Initial targeting in this area is expected to be completed by early 2025 with drilling planned to commence immediately thereafter.
Figure 1: Initial Exploration Fairway at Golden Rose
In parallel, and as previously announced, (see news release July 16, 2024), the Company has been running a copper and critical minerals focused exploration program across Golden Rose. Results from this program will be reported when work is complete, and all assay results have been received.
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been prepared and approved by Joel Cranford, P.Geo., Project Geologist for TRU, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development. The company’s flagship project is the Golden Rose Project a regional-scale 300.25 km2 land package in Central Western Newfoundland (includes a 33.25 km2 package of claims over which TRU has an option with TSX-listed Quadro Resources to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership) which straddles a 45 km strike length along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. TRU is currently focused on efficiently discovering the full gold and copper potential that may exist at Golden Rose.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and drilling plans at Golden Rose. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Golden Rose, the Company’s exploration programs and results, and commodities prices that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Golden Rose; the exploration potential of Golden Rose and the nature and style of mineralization at Golden Rose; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals and base metals prices; volatility in economic conditions and financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Precious Metals Completes Granting of Golden Rose Option to Eldorado Gold
TRU Precious Metals Corp. has now received an outstanding drill permit and accordingly has satisfied all pre-conditions to the definitive earn-in agreement transaction with Eldorado Gold Corporation.
Toronto, Ontario – August 22, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, further to its news release dated July 30, 2024, it has now received an outstanding drill permit and accordingly has satisfied all pre-conditions to the definitive earn-in agreement (the “Option Agreement”) transaction with Eldorado Gold Corporation (TSX:ELD, NYSE:EGO) (“Eldorado”). Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Eldorado has been granted the exclusive option (the “Option”) to earn an 80% ownership interest in TRU’s Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”), strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland.
TRU CEO Steve Nicol commented: “We are delighted to welcome Eldorado, a gold producer with global operations, as a strategic partner to TRU. The TRU team is eager to drive exploration efforts forward and we look forward to a successful collaboration with Eldorado to unlock the potential of the project.”
Additional terms of the Option Agreement can be found in the Company’s news release dated July 30, 2024. A copy of the Option Agreement will be filed under TRU’s SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca. The description of the Option Agreement contained herein is qualified by the complete text of the Option Agreement.
About Eldorado Gold Corp.
Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Türkiye, Canada and Greece. The Company has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. The Golden Rose Project is currently optioned-out to TSX-listed Eldorado Gold Corporation.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Olga Nikitovic
President & CFO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimers
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to performance of the Option Agreement, the Company’s relationship with Eldorado, and exploration plans for the Golden Rose Project. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Option Agreement, the Project, and the Company’s operations at Golden Rose that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: the Option may never be exercised by Eldorado as proposed or at all; the exploration potential of the Golden Rose Project; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Concludes Normal Course Issuer Bid
TRU Precious Metals Corp. has terminated the normal course issuer bid first announced on December 7, 2023.
Toronto, Ontario – August 13, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) today announced that, effective immediately, it has terminated the normal course issuer bid (“NCIB”) first announced on December 7, 2023. The purpose of the NCIB was to purchase and cancel up to 9,668,743 common shares of the Company (“Shares’’), representing up to 10% of the Company’s outstanding Public Float (as defined in TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) Policy 1.1 – Interpretation) as at the date thereof.
The NCIB commenced on December 11, 2023 and was set to conclude one year later on December 10, 2024, or earlier if the maximum number of Shares sought in the NCIB had been repurchased, or if the Company deemed it appropriate to conclude the NCIB before the specified end date.
The share purchases were completed by way of open market purchases through the facilities of the TSXV and other exchanges, and TRU paid the market price of the Shares at the time of acquisition. The NCIB was subject to a maximum aggregate purchase price of any Shares repurchased under the NCIB of $150,000 plus brokerage commissions, as well as the maximum price per Share repurchased under the NCIB of $0.04.
As of August 12, 2024, 4,934,000 Shares have been repurchased representing approximately 3% of the outstanding shares at the time of the commencement of the NCIB. The Shares were repurchased at an average price of $0.029. All repurchased shares will be cancelled.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. The Golden Rose Project is currently optioned-out to TSX-listed Eldorado Gold Corporation.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Olga Nikitovic
President & CFO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Appoints Experienced Mining Executive Steve Nicol as New CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp. announces the appointment of Steve Nicol as the new CEO of the Company, effective August 7, 2024.
Toronto, Ontario – August 8, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Nicol as the new CEO of the Company, effective August 7, 2024. Mr. Nicol is currently a director on the TRU board of directors (the “Board”) and also serves as Technical Advisor to TRU’s strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (“Ormonde”). One of his initial key focusses will be overseeing the multi-year, partner-funded gold and copper focused exploration program at the Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”) in Western-Central Newfoundland pursuant to the earn-in agreement with Eldorado Gold Corporation (TSX:ELD, NYSE:EGO) (“Eldorado”) announced on July 30, 2024.
Mr. Nicol is a mining engineer with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry, including in operations management, mine evaluation and development, and other diverse corporate roles. He has held Operations Management positions in various underground and open pit mines, culminating in a 13-year period as Managing Director and Project Manager of the Spanish-based company that identified, studied, designed, permitted, financed, constructed, and put into successful operation the Barruecopardo Tungsten mine in Western Spain. That mine continues successfully operating today, adjacent to an environmentally protected area, employing some 200 people and selling a high-quality mineral concentrate product across the globe.
A generalist, with a very strong ESG as well as economic focus, Mr. Nicol’s experience covers base, precious and specialty metals, open pit and underground mining, CIL, flotation, and gravity processing, and direct hands-on management of all phases of diverse mining projects from early-stage exploration through to mine closure and rehabilitation.
To transition leadership of the Company, now embarking on an exciting new phase of its development as a Newfoundland mineral resources explorer, Joel Freudman, who has been serving TRU as CEO since founding the Company in its current incarnation in late 2020, has resigned from his positions as CEO and director. Mr. Freudman will continue to provide transitional capital markets advisory support through his Toronto-based merchant bank, Resurgent Capital Corp.
TRU’s Chairman of the Board Manish Z. Kshatriya commented: “I would like to congratulate Steve on his appointment as CEO. Through our work on the TRU Board, I have had the opportunity to get to know him as a highly analytical, strategic thinker with an expansive technical expertise in mining and operations. As the Company is moving forward with more extensive exploration plans, we are certainly in good hands with more technical mining leadership experience. Through its new earn-in arrangement with Eldorado, management believes that TRU and Golden Rose are positioned for significant value creation.”
Mr. Kshatriya continued: “We respect and appreciate Joel’s decision to resign from his positions as CEO and director, to ensure that TRU, under the leadership of Steve and together with the assistance of current serving President and CFO Olga Nikitovic, can deliver operational excellence paving the path for major discoveries. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Joel for his valuable role in identifying and securing the Golden Rose Project opportunity in the Cape Ray-Valentine Lake Shear Zone. Through subsequent tactical acquisitions and option agreements, TRU was able to consolidate a district-scale land package that is now approximately triple the original project size. Joel was pivotal in attracting a number of strategic investments and partnerships for TRU despite challenging market conditions for junior mining companies. The talented team he helped assemble will provide continuity and support for the new CEO. We look forward to Joel’s continued future contributions as capital markets advisor.”
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. The Golden Rose Project is currently optioned-out to TSX-listed Eldorado Gold Corporation.
TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Olga Nikitovic
President & CFO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements regarding TRU’s leadership and personnel, exploration and development plans for Golden Rose, and earn-in arrangement with Eldorado, that are based on numerous assumptions regarding personnel, exploration potential, and corporate plans believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including challenges attracting and retaining qualified personnel, risks inherent in mineral exploration activities, challenges in meeting contractual obligations, changing corporate priorities and objectives, and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Precious Metals Receives Shareholder and TSXV Approval for Golden Rose Option Agreement with Eldorado Gold
TRU has obtained both shareholder approval and TSX Venture Exchange approval of the definitive earn-in agreement transaction with Eldorado Gold Corporation.
Toronto, Ontario – August 1, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, further to its news release dated July 30, 2024, it has obtained both shareholder approval and TSX Venture Exchange approval of the definitive earn-in agreement (the “Option Agreement”) transaction with Eldorado Gold Corporation (TSX:ELD, NYSE:EGO) (“Eldorado”). Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Eldorado has been granted the exclusive option (the “Option”) to earn an 80% ownership interest in TRU’s Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”), strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland.
Closing of the Option Agreement remains subject to TRU’s receipt of a drilling permit for Golden Rose from the Mineral Lands Division of the Newfoundland government (“Mineral Lands”). The permit application is under review by Mineral Lands and is expected to be issued within the month of August.
Additional terms of the Option Agreement can be found in the Company’s news release dated July 30, 2024. A copy of the Option Agreement will be filed under TRU’s SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca. The description of the Option Agreement contained herein is qualified by the complete text of the Option Agreement.
About Eldorado Gold Corp.
Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Türkiye, Canada and Greece. The Company has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMega Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option with Quadro Resources Ltd. to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM)
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimers
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to performance of the Option Agreement, the Company’s relationship with Eldorado, the Company’s permit application with Mineral Lands, and exploration plans for the Golden Rose Project. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Option Agreement, the Project, Mineral Lands permitting, and the Company’s operations at Golden Rose that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: the Option may never be exercised by Eldorado as proposed or at all; the exploration potential of the Golden Rose Project; delays in obtaining necessary permits; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Precious Metals Enters Definitive Option Agreement with Eldorado Gold
TRU Precious Metals Corp. signed a definitive earn-in agreement with Eldorado Gold Corporation, effective July 29, 2024, pursuant to which Eldorado has been granted the exclusive option to earn an 80% ownership interest in TRU’s Golden Rose Project strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland.
TRU Grants Option to Acquire 80% Ownership of TRU’s Golden Rose Project
Toronto, Ontario – July 30, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive earn-in agreement (the “Option Agreement”) with Eldorado Gold Corporation (TSX:ELD, NYSE:EGO) (“Eldorado”), effective July 29, 2024, pursuant to which Eldorado has been granted the exclusive option (the “Option”) to earn an 80% ownership interest in TRU’s Golden Rose Project (as defined below), strategically located along the gold deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone in Central Newfoundland (see Figure 1). All figures are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman commented: “We are thrilled to partner with Eldorado to advance the Golden Rose Project, which we consider a strong endorsement of the work completed since optioning the initial land package from Altius Minerals in 2021, including leveraging the support of our strategic investor Ormonde Mining over the past year. Eldorado’s expenditures under the Option Agreement will accelerate the advancement of the Project’s gold and copper potential, while the cash payments will help fund TRU’s corporate overhead as we remain operator of the Project.”
Figure 1: Golden Rose Project Location
Terms of the Option Agreement
In order to acquire an 80% interest in the Golden Rose Project, Eldorado must make payments and incur exploration expenditures (“Exploration Expenditures”) on or before the corresponding dates set forth below:
Pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement, TRU will initially act as operator of the Golden Rose Project. A technical committee, comprised of three Eldorado representatives and two TRU representatives, will review work programs, exploration expenditures and provide guidance on operations.
The Option Agreement, if exercised, would result in Eldorado owning an 80% interest in each of (a) TRU’s 100%-owned mineral claims and (b) TRU’s right to acquire up to a 65% interest in certain contiguous mineral claims pursuant to an option agreement with Quadro Resources Ltd., as amended (collectively, the “Golden Rose Project”, “Golden Rose”, or the “Project”).
Upon Eldorado exercising the Option, TRU and Eldorado will negotiate and enter a joint venture agreement. If TRU’s interest in such joint venture is diluted below 10%, its interest would convert to a 2% net smelter returns royalty, of which 1% would be re-purchasable by Eldorado for $5,000,000 at the time of commercial production.
The Option Agreement also contains a mechanism by which Eldorado will relinquish rights to portions of the Project containing discoveries of certain excluded critical minerals, specifically zinc and nickel, so that TRU remains beneficial owner of any non-gold and non-copper discoveries.
The Option Agreement is subject to certain conditions, namely: (i) final approval by the TSXV, (ii) approval by the shareholders of the Company as required by the TSXV, which TRU proposes to obtain by written consent; and (iii) TRU’s receipt of certain permits required to conduct Exploration Expenditures. The completion of the granting of the Option is expected on or about August 6, 2024
A copy of the Option Agreement will be filed under TRU’s SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca. The description of the Option Agreement contained herein is qualified by the complete text of the Option Agreement.
Shareholder Meeting Results
The Company is also reporting voting results from the Annual & Special meeting held on July 29, 2024. Shareholders approved all items of business, including electing each of the directors nominated by management, namely, Joel Freudman, Manish Kshatriya, Brian Timmons, Steve Nicol and Steven Agnew. The shareholders also approved: the reappointment of McGovern Hurley LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year; the Company’s stock option plan; advance authorization of the potential voluntary delisting of the Company’s common shares from TSXV, although such initiative is not currently contemplated; advance authorization of a potential corporate name change, although such initiative is not currently contemplated; and advance authorization of a potential consolidation of the Company’s common shares, although such initiative is not currently contemplated.
About Eldorado Gold Corp.
Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Türkiye, Canada and Greece. The Company has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF, FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMega Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option with Quadro Resources Ltd. to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimers
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to completing the transactions contemplated by the Option Agreement, exploration potential of the Golden Rose Project, and various corporate initiatives approved at the Company’s shareholder meeting. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Option Agreement and future corporate plans that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: the Option may never be exercised by Eldorado as proposed or at all; the exploration potential of the Golden Rose Project; challenges in identifying, structuring, and executing transactions on favourable terms or at all; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; regulatory approval processes; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Engages Global One Media for Digital Marketing Services
TRU Precious Metals has engaged Global One Media Limited, a digital marketing and content creation agency, to assist the Company with digital and social media influencer marketing efforts.
Toronto, Ontario – July 19, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has engaged Global One Media Limited (“Global One Media”), a digital marketing and content creation agency, to assist the Company with digital and social media influencer marketing efforts.
Global One Media is a full-service investor-focused digital marketing agency solving the needs of publicly traded companies. They deliver creative and effective solutions for digital market awareness and brand positioning across all industries, specializing in investor engagement and growth marketing for listed and pre-IPO companies.
The engagement of Global One Media is immediate and is for USD$35,000 in cash for up to a 1-month term. The Company will pay such fees from its working capital at the beginning of the term. Additional services may be added for additional cost as the program is rolled out. There are no performance factors impacting compensation and Global One Media will not receive common shares or options of the Company as compensation.
Global One Media is at arm's length from the Company and has an office located at The L. Plaza, Unit 1603, 367 – 375 Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan in Hong Kong. As of the date hereof, neither Global One Media nor any of its principals own any securities of the Company directly or indirectly. Global One Media does not have any right or intent to acquire additional interest in the Company or its securities.
The engagement is subject to regulatory approval by TSX Venture Exchange.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals Ltd.’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to regulatory approval and to the Company’s investor relations program with Global One Media. These statements are based on numerous assumptions believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: regulatory approval; volatility in financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Commences Copper Exploration Program at Golden Rose
TRU Precious Metals Corp’s copper-focused exploration program at its Golden Rose Project in Western-Central Newfoundland is underway.
Toronto, Ontario – July 16, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its copper-focused exploration program at its Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”) in Western-Central Newfoundland is underway. As previously announced on April 18, 2024, exploration will be focused on the critical minerals associated with the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone, with the view to developing a deeper understanding of the overall critical minerals potential at Golden Rose, and ideally to identifying drill targets for such minerals.
While special emphasis is on copper exploration (“Cu”), the program will also investigate other critical minerals occurrences hosting nickel (“Ni”) and zinc (“Zn”), which have been identified in previous exploration activities carried out by the Company.
Exploration work will include prospecting, grab (rock) sampling, reconnaissance soil sampling and trenching over interpreted critical minerals anomalies determined through previous work by TRU, historical data compilation, and recently acquired high resolution satellite and remote sensing data over the entire property. Many of the planned target areas have had limited exploration to date as Golden Rose is a historically underexplored asset.
Target areas for the exploration program will include locations for which exploration in 2021-2023 identified critical mineral anomalies in soils, rock samples and drill core. These areas include: Jacob’s Pond (up to 3.42% Cu), Jacob’s Twin (up to 11.0% Cu), Jacob’s West (up to 1,094 ppm Cu in soils), Glenn’s Prospect (up to 7.6% Cu), King George IV (up to 0.66% Cu and 1.33% Zn) and Bear Pond (up to 409 ppm Ni) (see Figure 1). The exploration program will also test a number of new opportunity areas which have been identified.
Figure 1: Golden Rose - Location of Main Critical Mineral Anomalies
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman commented: “Our exploration season has begun, and we are excited to continue advancing the potential at Golden Rose for additional copper, zinc and nickel discoveries, in addition to the heightened prospectivity for gold. Our top objective for this program, which will be eligible for enhanced government funding, is to hone in on potential critical minerals drill targets, which could supplement the gold-oriented drill program we are preparing for internally. We look forward to evaluating the incoming data from the field program and sharing the results with the market.”
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been prepared and approved by Joel Cranford, P.Geo., Project Geologist for TRU, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
Joel Cranford has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release and noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMega Metals Ltd.’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and drilling plans at Golden Rose, and the relative merits and appeal of Cu and other critical minerals. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Golden Rose, the Company’s exploration programs and results, and commodities prices that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Golden Rose; the exploration potential of Golden Rose and the nature and style of mineralization at Golden Rose; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals and base metals prices; volatility in economic conditions and financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Engages Investor Relations Specialists HE Capital Markets
TRU Precious Metals Corp. has retained HE Capital Markets Ltd., a global investor relations firm based in London, United Kingdom to secure third party publicity and interviews.
Toronto, Ontario – June 24, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has retained HE Capital Markets Ltd. (“HE Capital”), a global investor relations firm based in London, United Kingdom to secure third party publicity and interviews. HE Capital’s extensive network and wide audience distribution enables optimized visibility in North American and European markets.
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman commented: “We are looking forward to working with HE Capital and their team. This program will support our efforts to introduce TRU and its gold and critical minerals prospects at the Golden Rose Project to a larger audience, including in the United States to leverage our recently reactivated OTCQB Venture Market listing.”
The engagement of HE Capital is for USD$6,500 in cash, to be deployed during the anticipated 2-month engagement term, which commenced today, primarily for securing interviews. The Company will pay such fees from its working capital at the beginning of the two-month term Additional services may be added for additional cost as the program is rolled out. There are no performance factors impacting compensation and HE Capital will not receive common shares or options of the Company as compensation.
HE Capital is at arm's length from the Company. As of the date hereof, HE Capital owns 15,000 common shares of the Company and does not have any right or intent to acquire additional interest in the Company or its securities. HE Capital has an office located at 3 London Bridge Street, London, United Kingdom, 3E1 9SG.
The engagement is subject to regulatory approval by TSX Venture Exchange.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals Ltd.’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 37%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to regulatory approval and to the timing of the Company’s investor relations program with HE Capital. These statements are based on numerous assumptions believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: regulatory approval; volatility in financial markets, economic conditions, and precious metals prices; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Precious Metals Relists on OTCQB
TRU Precious Metals Corp. has relisted its common stock on the OTCQB Venture Market in the United States, under the existing U.S. stock symbol “TRUIF”.
Toronto, Ontario – June 21, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has relisted its common stock on the OTCQB Venture Market (“OTCQB”) in the United States (“U.S.”), under the existing U.S. stock symbol “TRUIF”.
The OTCQB is a U.S. trading platform operated by OTC Markets Group in New York, and is the premiere marketplace for early-stage and developing international companies. Participating companies must be current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. The OTCQB quality standards provide a strong baseline of transparency, as well as the technology and regulation to improve the information and trading experience for U.S.-based investors. Investors can find real-time quote and market information for TRU at https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/TRUIF/overview.
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman commented: “Relisting on the OTCQB, following a brief hiatus earlier this year for expense-management purposes, is an important business-building move for TRU to gain access to the deeper pool of capital in the United States. We know from recent business development efforts in the U.S. that investors there have increased interest in copper and gold as those commodities approach and break record-high prices. We intend to develop and leverage this heightened investor visibility as we advance exploration on our flagship gold-copper Golden Rose Project in southwestern Newfoundland this summer and beyond.”
The Company’s common shares remain eligible for electronic clearing and settlement in the United States through The Depository Trust Company. TRU’s common shares will also continue to trade in Canada on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “TRU”.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU, OTCQB:TRUIF) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals’ Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 37%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to the expected benefits of the Company’s OTCQB relisting, and the Company’s exploration plans. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding U.S. capital markets believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including volatility in financial markets and economic conditions, no assurance of enhanced liquidity and/or market awareness of the Company in the U.S., and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TRU Provides Corporate Updates
TRU Precious Metals Corp. has published and filed its Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis for the three months ending March 31, 2024 which are available for download on the Company’s SEDAR-Plus profile page at sedarplus.ca.
Toronto, Ontario – May 2, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has published and filed its Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements and Management Discussion & Analysis for the three months ending March 31, 2024 (the “Q1 2024 Financials”), which are available for download on the Company’s SEDAR-Plus profile page at sedarplus.ca. Highlights of the Q1 2024 Financials include $2.3 million in cash and $2.4 million in working capital.
The Company also announces that, subject to regulatory approval, today it has granted an aggregate of 2,300,000 incentive stock options (the “Options”) to certain of its directors, officers, and consultants in accordance with the Company’s stock option plan. The Options vest immediately and are exercisable at a price of $0.05 per share for a period of three years. The Options are subject to a 4-month hold period from the date of issuance in accordance with stock exchange policies.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and Matador Mining’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 37%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. ("Resurgent"), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent's website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ or follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at the Golden Rose Project.
Forward-Looking Information
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to regulatory approval. These statements are based on numerous assumptions believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
TRU Plans Critical Minerals Summer Exploration Program at Golden Rose Project
TRU Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce its intent to carry out an exploration program this spring and summer at its Golden Rose Project Western-Central Newfoundland. Exploration will assess the critical minerals potential associated with the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone and will be copper-focused.
Toronto, Ontario – April 18, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its intent to carry out an exploration program this spring and summer at its Golden Rose Project (“Golden Rose”) in Western-Central Newfoundland. Exploration will assess the critical minerals potential associated with the deposit-bearing Cape Ray – Valentine Lake Shear Zone and will be copper (“Cu”)-focused. The program will also investigate other critical minerals occurrences hosting nickel (“Ni”) and zinc (“Zn”), which have been identified in previous exploration activities carried out by the Company.
The objective of the exploration program is to develop a deeper understanding of the overall critical minerals potential at Golden Rose, supplementing the heightened prospectivity of Golden Rose for gold. The program will include prospecting, grab (rock) sampling, reconnaissance soil sampling and trenching over interpreted critical minerals anomalies determined through previous work by the Company, historical data compilation, and recently acquired high resolution satellite and remote sensing data over the entire property. Many of the planned target areas have had limited exploration to date.
The 2021, 2022 and 2023 exploration seasons identified Cu and other critical minerals anomalies at numerous locations including: (Figure 1)
Jacob’s Pond, where numerous soil anomalies occur and grab samples assayed up to 3.42% Cu and 2.76 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (“Au”) (see August 4, 2022 press release);
Jacob’s Twin, where rock samples assayed up to 11.0% Cu, 14.3g/t Au and 368g/t silver (“Ag”), and drill results assayed up to 1.10% Cu, 0.87g/t Au and 46.60g/t Ag over 2.8 metres (“m”) (see August 4, 2022 and September 22, 2022 press releases);
Jacob’s West, an area 750 m to 1.2 kilometres (“km”) southwest of Jacob’s Twin, where abundant Cu and lesser Zn in soil anomalies were identified (see September 22, 2022 and January 26, 2023 press releases);
Glenn’s Prospect, located 2.9 km northeast along the Cape Ray Shear zone from Cu mineralization at Jacob’s Pond and 4 km from Jacob’s Twin, where bedrock grab samples assayed up to 7.6% Cu (see December 5, 2023 press release);
The King George IV Lake area, where grab samples assayed up to 0.66% Cu and 1.33% Zn; and
Bear Pond, where 2021 soil sampling identified an area of anomalous Ni with results up to 409 parts per million (“ppm”) Ni. Reconnaissance-level government till sampling also returned an assay of 431 ppm Ni in this area.
The 2024 exploration program, which will be fully funded from the Company’s treasury, will further delineate and assess these anomalies in addition to identifying new opportunities.
Figure 1: Golden Rose - Location of Critical Mineral Anomalies Being Followed up in this Program
Copper is the world’s third-most used metal and is widely used in construction, electronics, transportation, industrial machinery and equipment, and the medical sector. As a critical mineral, Cu is especially in high demand for the growing electric vehicle (“EV”) market. Each EV requires two to four times more Cu than a conventional vehicle and the EV charging stations contain Cu as well. Analysts predict that Cu consumption from green energy sectors will grow five-fold by 2030 due to the growing EV market[1].
The Company has also scoped a drill program for its gold prospects across Golden Rose and is currently assessing the most advantageous time to undertake the program.
TRU Co-Founder and CEO Joel Freudman commented: “We are pleased to share our preliminary Golden Rose exploration plans with the market as the field season approaches in Newfoundland. We think there is higher leverage for TRU in making new discoveries of copper and other critical minerals, which we believe would help TRU appeal to a wider investor base while also making Golden Rose more attractive to larger gold companies looking for copper to diversify their gold exposure. Critical minerals exploration is also eligible for greater government subsidies. We have already established several high-quality, high-grade, drill-ready gold targets on Golden Rose, and as gold prices break record highs, we will continue to evaluate when we consider market conditions more conducive to fully recognizing promising gold exploration and drilling results.”
The Company will provide further details of the exploration program closer to when the field program commences over the coming weeks.
Other Corporate Updates
The Company recently released its audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, which reflected a working capital balance of approximately $2.7 million. The Company currently has a strong cash position of approximately $2.3 million and continues to prudently manage its cash outflows.
The Company also reports progress on its Normal Course Issuer Bid (the “NCIB”) announced on December 7, 2023. Since the inception of the NCIB through to April 16, 2024, the Company has repurchased for cancellation an aggregate of 3,323,000 common shares (“Shares”), representing approximately 2.0% of the number of issued and outstanding Shares at the commencement of the NCIB.
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been prepared and approved by Professor Garth Earls, Project Evaluation Advisor to TRU, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
Professor Earls has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release and noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining’s Valentine Gold Project and Matador Mining’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 37%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ and follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to exploration and drilling plans at Golden Rose, the adequacy of the Company’s financial position, and the relative merits and appeal of Cu and other critical minerals. These statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding Golden Rose, the Company’s exploration programs and results, and commodities prices that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Golden Rose; the exploration potential of Golden Rose and the nature and style of mineralization at Golden Rose; risks inherent in mineral exploration activities; volatility in precious metals and base metals prices; volatility in economic conditions and financial markets; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
[1] Source: INN (https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/base-metals-investing/copper-investing/copper-uses/)
TRU Appoints Steven Agnew to Board of Directors
TRU is pleased to announce the appointment of Steven Agnew to its Board of Directors as the third and final Board nominee of Ormonde Mining Plc, the Corporation’s largest shareholder, and as an additional independent director, subject to regulatory approval.
Toronto, Ontario – April 9, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Steven Agnew to its Board of Directors (the “Board”) as the third and final Board nominee of Ormonde Mining Plc (“Ormonde”), the Corporation’s largest shareholder, and as an additional independent director, subject to regulatory approval.
Mr. Agnew is currently a Partner of Irwin Lowy LLP, a Toronto-based law firm. Mr. Agnew is a securities lawyer with close to twenty years of experience advising public and private companies on corporate finance, M&A, corporate governance, and regulatory compliance. Mr. Agnew received his Bachelor of Laws in 2005 from the University of Windsor, and a Bachelor of Arts from Bishop’s University in 2001.
Joel Freudman, Co-Founder and CEO of TRU commented: “We are pleased to welcome Steven Agnew to our Board. His extensive expertise in securities law and M&A transactions, coupled with his thorough understanding of corporate finance, will be invaluable to TRU as we evaluate multiple opportunistic strategic alternatives in a spiking gold price environment.”
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Marathon Gold's Valentine Gold Project and Matador Mining's Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. ("Resurgent"), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent's website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ or follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at the Golden Rose Project.
Forward-Looking Information
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including those relating to regulatory approvals and the impact of additions to the TRU leadership team. These statements are based on numerous assumptions believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: challenges executing on corporate strategy and business plans; regulatory approval processes; and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
TRU Provides Corporate Updates
TRU Precious Metals Corp. announces that Mr. Paul Ténière, P. Geo., has departed from his position as Vice President of Exploration.
Toronto, Ontario – February 2, 2024 – TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU) (“TRU” or the “Company”) announces that Mr. Paul Ténière, P. Geo., has departed from his position as Vice President of Exploration. Mr. Ténière has served the Company in this position since October 2022 and will continue to be available to provide geological consulting services.
The Company is fortunate to have a highly experienced exploration team in place and the flexibility to utilize those resources in a cost-effective manner. TRU continues to benefit from the in-depth project knowledge and geological expertise of its Exploration Manager Pearce Bradley, P.Geo., who has managed the exploration work on the Company’s Golden Rose Project since its acquisition, as well as Professor Garth Earls, Project Evaluation Advisor, with over 40 years of professional experience in exploration and mining internationally.
The Company would like to express sincere thanks to Paul for his dedication and success in advancing the Golden Rose Project and uncovering its true potential.
The Company also reports progress on its Normal Course Issuer Bid (the “NCIB”) announced on December 7, 2023. During the first two months of the NCIB through January 31, 2024, the Company repurchased for cancellation an aggregate of 1,775,700 common shares (“Shares”), representing approximately 1.1% of the number of issued and outstanding Shares at the commencement of the NCIB.
About TRU Precious Metals Corp.
TRU (TSXV:TRU) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, originally optioned from TSX-listed Altius Minerals. Golden Rose is a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package, including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Marathon Gold’s Valentine Gold Project and Matador Mining’s Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2 including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).
TRU is a portfolio company of Resurgent Capital Corp. (“Resurgent”), a merchant bank providing venture capital markets advisory services and proprietary financing. Resurgent works with promising public and pre-public micro-capitalization companies listing on Canadian stock exchanges. For more information on Resurgent and its portfolio companies, please visit Resurgent’s website at https://www.resurgentcapital.ca/ or follow Resurgent on LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/company/resurgent-capital-corp.
For further information about TRU, please contact:
Joel Freudman
Co-Founder & CEO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)
Email: ir@trupreciousmetals.com
To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:
TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at the Golden Rose Project.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements regarding TRU’s exploration personnel that are based on numerous assumptions that are believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including potential challenges attracting and retaining qualified personnel, and those other risks described in the Company’s continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.
Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.